Render target texture

Render target texture properties

Name Description Inherited Exported to Kanzi Engine
Render Target Type Defines which kind of data the texture is to contain: COLOR / DEPTH No No
Width Width of the texture No No
Height Height of the texture No No
Support Simple RenderTarget Allow rendering to the texture without using a render pass. No No
Depth / Stencil Attachment Defines which attachment(s) the render target contains in addition to color. No No
Samples The number of multisample samples used for each pixel for this render target. No No

Render target texture available properties

Name Description Inherited Exported to Kanzi Engine
Is Used by Code Whether or not the application code uses this asset. Used for determining unused assets. No No
Disable KZB Export Disables the exporting of the item into KZB. Can be used for, e.g. letting items out from certain profiles. The disabled items are always included in preview. No No
Export in Asset Package When enabled, this item is exported into asset package if this project is saved as one. No No
Visibility Across Projects Sets whether this resource is available to referencing projects:
- Project setting uses the value of the Resource Visibility Across Projects property of the project.
- Private makes the resource available only to this project.
- Public makes the resource available in the dropdown menus of referencing projects.
No No
Keep Alive Behavior The keep-alive behavior of this resource. Can be used to deny unloading of the resource. No No
Description Add a description of the purpose of this item. To export descriptions
to a plain text file, select File > Export > Export Descriptions.
When you export the kzb file, this description is not included in the
exported file.
No No

